Theia Insights Inc. ("Theia Insights") derives and provides information about securities (“Services”). Anyone accessing any information, data, content, or other Services provided through the Theia Insights website, API, or other means is a “User” of Theia Insights.
NOTICE: Investing involves significant risks and potential for financial loss, including the loss of all the value of your assets. You should therefore carefully consider whether trading or holding assets is suitable in light of the investors financial condition. By using the Services, you acknowledge and agree that you are aware of, and assume, all risks associated with any investment of such assets and you are solely responsible for conducting your own independent analysis of the risks specific to assets, investments and the Services. Theia Insights is not responsible or liable for any such risks or adverse outcomes. In exchange for using the Service, you hereby agree not to hold the Company or its Third Party Service Providers liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on information made available to you through the Service or the Site.
All data, information, and content provided by Theia Insights is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading or investing purposes.
Rights and ownership of data, information, content, and other Services found on Theia Insights are maintained by either Theia Insights or third parties, and are for your internal use only. Redistribution, redisplay, or other related commercial uses that are not purely internal, except as outlined in mutually agreed on contracts, are prohibited.To access some features of the service, you may be asked to register for an account. When you register for an account, you may be required to provide us with some information about yourself, such as your name, email address, or other contact information. You agree that the information you provide to us is accurate and that you will keep it accurate and up-to-date at all times. When you register, you will be asked to provide a password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password, and you accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account. If you believe that your account is no longer secure, then you must immediately notify us at
All Services provided by Theia Insights are meant to be used purely for legal activities, and use of Services for any purpose which is illegal for the User or for Theia Insights or its third-party affiliates is prohibited.